5 Books Every Metalsmith Should Read And Own

Best unsolicited advice for aspiring metalsmiths, there are some authoritative books every Metalsmith should read, and own!

Here are my favorite 5.

Professional Jewelry Making – A. Revere


Complete Metalsmith – T. McCreight



Jewelry Concepts and Technologies – Oppi Untract



Metal techniques for Craftsmen – Oppi Untract




Theory and Practice of Goldsmithing – E. Brepohl


Essential Metalsmithing Tools

Here is a photo of a standard student bench of mine, as well as a suggested list of tools for your first bench:

Student Bench


I’ve decided to share some useful information on  getting started with the proper tools to build a basic workbench.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

1. Work Surface- Basic bench from Contenti ($285, UPS shippable)

2. Flex Shaft: Flex shaft holder, flex shaft accessories (buffs for Tripoli and rouge)

3. Saw: saw blades size 1, 3/0

4. Files: Half-round file cut 4, Barrette needle file cut 4, Round needle file cut 4

5. Shears

6. Ring clamp

7. Stainless tweezers

8. Anvils: Flat & Horn

9. Ring Mandrel

10. Hammers: Rawhide hammer, Riveting hammer or goldsmith, Chasing hammer, Planishing hammer

11. Bench brush

12. Sanding stick set

13. Pliers: one flat, one half round, one chain nose, brass lined flat plier, forming quality cutter (I prefer Swanstrom super flush cutter)

14. Brass ruler mm

15. Stainless ruler 6 inches mm and inches

16. Polishing: Bar Tripoli, Bar Rouge

17. Green scouring pad

18. Drills: #’s 64, 60, 54 and 52 to start with

19. Pair of scissors

20. Fine and medium black markers

21. Setting: Bezel roller, Bezel pusher, Curved burnisher

22. Dividers

23. Safety glasses


Please let me know how these tools work out for everyone! – Dan Valencia