Essential Metalsmithing Tools

Here is a photo of a standard student bench of mine, as well as a suggested list of tools for your first bench:

Student Bench


I’ve decided to share some useful information on  getting started with the proper tools to build a basic workbench.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

1. Work Surface- Basic bench from Contenti ($285, UPS shippable)

2. Flex Shaft: Flex shaft holder, flex shaft accessories (buffs for Tripoli and rouge)

3. Saw: saw blades size 1, 3/0

4. Files: Half-round file cut 4, Barrette needle file cut 4, Round needle file cut 4

5. Shears

6. Ring clamp

7. Stainless tweezers

8. Anvils: Flat & Horn

9. Ring Mandrel

10. Hammers: Rawhide hammer, Riveting hammer or goldsmith, Chasing hammer, Planishing hammer

11. Bench brush

12. Sanding stick set

13. Pliers: one flat, one half round, one chain nose, brass lined flat plier, forming quality cutter (I prefer Swanstrom super flush cutter)

14. Brass ruler mm

15. Stainless ruler 6 inches mm and inches

16. Polishing: Bar Tripoli, Bar Rouge

17. Green scouring pad

18. Drills: #’s 64, 60, 54 and 52 to start with

19. Pair of scissors

20. Fine and medium black markers

21. Setting: Bezel roller, Bezel pusher, Curved burnisher

22. Dividers

23. Safety glasses


Please let me know how these tools work out for everyone! – Dan Valencia